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6 Tips to Get New Aquarists Started

Aquatic Warehouse in San Diego, CA

When you’re starting out as an aquarist, sustaining a new saltwater or freshwater aquarium can be slightly challenging if you don’t follow some basic steps, but you’re already on the right track by reading this article. Here are some tips that can help you prepare for a rewarding and a beautiful experience of caring for an aquarium.

1. Do Some Research

Start by looking up the different types of tanks, fish, and setups you can choose from. Check for fish compatibility, and keep a list of the species you have so you know what type of food to buy. You’ll need to spend some money starting out. Therefore, it’s important to know exactly what you want so you avoid wasting money on things you won’t use.

2. Don’t Add Fish Before the Aquarium Is Ready

Adding fish too early is a very common mistake. If you add fish to the tank before the water is conditioned with dechlorinator and beneficial bacteria, they could die. Before you add fish to the tank, make sure to conduct several tests to ensure the water is stabilized. Start by adding a few fish and work your way up to adding more every other week.

3. Use Live Plants

Live plants oxygenate the water in the tank and help to prevent algae. Algae can consume important nutrients your fish need. In addition, algae can make an aquarium less visually appealing and more work to maintain.

4. Don’t Add Too Many Fish

Too many fish in an aquarium can destabilize the aquarium’s water nitrogen cycle. Always read fish compatibility charts before adding fish to the tank. It’s always better to add fish slowly to ensure the bacterial mass catches up to the animal mass. An imbalance of too many fish could get all the rest of your fish sick from ammonia burn.

5. Don’t Overfeed the Fish

Overfeeding is the most common mistake new aquarists make, and it can clog the filter and lead to stressing your fish, which leads to diseases. Most fish require up to two feedings a day, but keep in mind you shouldn’t feed them too much in a single session. It’s also safe to only feed your fish once a day. When in doubt, underfeed. Remember the two-minute rule—no food anywhere in the aquarium after two minutes! Make sure to research the fish species to determine the type of food to buy. Some fish food is specific to certain species. Nevertheless, make sure the food is balanced to provide vitamins and proteins. Always follow the quality over quantity rule. Don’t buy cheap fish food that lacks nutrients because it will hurt your fish in the long run. At Aquatic Warehouse, just ask about what we feed our fish, and we’ll be glad to go over the many choices.

6. Keep a Regular Maintenance Schedule

Testing the water and cleaning the filter are just a few of the tasks you need to stay on top of when caring for an aquarium. Plan to spend a little time each week maintaining your tank. You may need to spend more time depending on the size of your tank and the amount of fish you own. It’s fun, relaxing, and rewarding.

For additional tips on becoming the best aquarist you can be, reach out to Aquatic Warehouse, a leading provider of freshwater and saltwater aquarium supplies. From filters and protein skimmers to lighting and food, we carry everything you need to maintain a healthy tank. Call us today at 858-467-9297.

Contact Information

  • Address: 5466 Complex Street Suite 204
    San Diego, CA 92123
  • Phone: (858) 467-9297
  • Email: sales@aquaticwarehouse.com
  • Working Days/Hours: Mon - Fri / 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
    Saturday / 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
    Sunday / 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM


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