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Boosting Emotional Health with a Saltwater Aquarium San Diego, CA

4 Ways Owning a Saltwater Aquarium Can Boost Your Emotional Health

Saltwater fish aquariums offer more than just a pretty focal point for a room. Caring for fish and learning aquarium-management skills boosts emotional wellness in the long-term while providing immediate, enjoyable results. It may surprise you to learn what a few good fish can do for your emotional health. 1.  Form Bonds Fish keepers may never have actual conversations with their fish, but that doesn’t mean they can’t have a relationship. Contrary to popular belief, fish have unique personalities. Scientists have demonstrated this fact. It isn’t just the well-meaning hopes and dreams of dedicated aquarium keepers. Even if all the fish you have belong to the same species, behavior differences …

Should You Buy Fish at a Pet Shop or Aquarium Store San Diego, CA

Should You Buy Fish at a Pet Store?

If you’re in the market for some new fish, there are three primary places you can get one: online, a “big box” chain pet store, or your friendly local aquarium store. There are advantages to each of these, but one options stands out above the rest. The best place to buy a fish, hands down, is from a store dedicated to fish, aquariums, and fish tank supplies. Specialty Fish Stores Know Their Stuff Your local aquarium store is dedicated to fish. The people who work there know all the particularities behind this unique brand of pet ownership. They’re a great help for first-time fish owners, as they know how to …

Beautiful Saltwater Fish San Diego, CA

5 of the Most Attractive Saltwater Fish for an Aquarium

Nothing can be more relaxing or satisfying than returning from an exhausting day at work, sitting in your favorite chair, and watching your beautiful saltwater fish gracefully swimming around in your aquarium. Saltwater fish are fascinating creatures. The staff at Aquatic Warehouse, a leading provider of saltwater aquarium supplies, would like to highlight five of the most beautiful saltwater fish to choose from. 1. Lyretail Anthias The lyretail anthias is considered to be a social butterfly when placed in a community tank. The male is a pinkish color, while the female is an intriguing orange. One of the most fascinating abilities of these fish is that they can change sexes …

Do Fish Get Bored in Aquariums San Diego, CA

Will My Fish Get Bored in Its Aquarium?

It’s natural for new pet owners to worry about keeping their fish in a saltwater or freshwater aquarium, even though they clearly need to be kept somewhere. It’s common to wonder about the fish’s emotional state, if it’s happily stimulated, or if it’s bored in its new environment. Whether fish have emotions such as boredom is debatable. But it’s scientifically proven that if the specific social needs for that species of fish aren’t met, the fish may behave abnormally. Social patterns vary, and the guidelines for properly keeping a fish active and healthy depends on its species. Some fish need to be around their own species to avoid aggressiveness, and …

Are Owners Recognized by Aquarium Fish San Diego, CA

Can Fish Recognize the Faces of Their Owners?

Many people believe fish don’t have the capability to solidify lasting memories. While they don’t have a large brain capacity, studies have found that fish can quickly distinguish new terrain when surroundings in their aquariums are changed. Such studies prove that fish have the mental capability to recognize specific items they encounter daily. In lieu of this research, it’s easy to believe fish are able to recognize humans who are frequently present within their lives. Along with the study regarding a fish’s surroundings, other studies have been conducted pertaining to the recognition abilities of their fellow species. In these studies, fish were able to recognize other fish by their ultraviolet …

What's Sleep Like for Fish San Diego, CA

Do Fish Go to Sleep?

If you have experience caring for fish in an aquarium or pond, you may start to wonder if they ever take naps or get some shut-eye. They may always seem to be swimming about and responding to their environment. Since most fish don’t have eyelids, they can’t technically get any “shut-eye,” but whether or not fish fully sleep isn’t clear cut. Researchers are still exploring and understanding what happens in a fish’s body when it enters a resting state, but the consensus is clear that fish do enter into a sleeping state. The way fish sleep isn’t like how humans or other mammals sleep, but it still serves an important …

Necessary Supplies for Reef Tanks San Diego, CA

What Are the Essential Supplies You Need for a Reef Tank

Reef tanks are popular because they’re the closest thing to the reefs in the oceans. Due to the size of the reef tank, you must make sure the fish get along with each other. With the proper equipment and research, your tank’s species may form a symbiotic relationship. When you have a reef tank system there are many saltwater aquarium supplies you’ll need to acquire. Lighting Lighting is a top priority due to reef tanks containing corals. Just like plants convert sunlight, algae convert light into food, and the byproducts are what coral live on. The general rule is 3.5 watts per gallon of water for soft coral and 4.5 …

Buying Saltwater Fish Online San Diego, CA

Should You Purchase Your Saltwater Fish Online?

These days, anything and everything is available for purchase online. If you’re interested in acquiring some saltwater fish for your aquarium at home, there are several reputable online retailers to choose from. However, there are also plenty of reasons to consider buying saltwater fish in person at a store instead. Selection An online store will have an extensive selection of saltwater fish. The chances a basic pet store will carry a wide variety of saltwater fish are low. However, if you’re fortunate enough to have a local store that specializes in aquatic pets and supplies (for instance, if you’re lucky enough to have Aquatic Warehouse in your town), you’re sure …

Why Fish Jump Out of Their Aquariums San Diego, CA

What Are Some of the Reasons Fish Jump Out of Their Aquariums?

There are plenty of reasons fish might jump out of their tanks, such as poor water quality. Poor living conditions can also prove to be inhabitable for certain fish. When choosing different species of fish for your tank, make sure you choose ones that can thrive in similar living arrangements. There are many factors to consider when choosing your species. The staff at Aquatic Warehouse, a leading provider of fish tank supplies, list a few of the reasons your fish might jump out of the tank, as well as ways to prevent this from happening. Hunting or Being Hunted Different species of fish have various means of survival. For example, …

Different Personalities for Fish San Diego, CA

Do Fish Have Distinct Personality Traits?

You live in different worlds, and although you aren’t willing to trade your legs for fins, you’d like to know more about your aquatic housemates. While you want to know if they’re happy, every fish owner has the same question at one point or another: do fish have different personalities? The short answer is “yes,” but the staff at Aquatic Warehouse, a trusted aquarium supplier, is here to help you understand the answer to this question. A Matter of Biology The first step to answering this question is understanding the challenge of decoding fish behaviors. Their biology is wildly different from our own. It’s easier to understand animals we have …

Contact Information

  • Address: 5466 Complex Street Suite 204
    San Diego, CA 92123
  • Phone: (858) 467-9297
  • Email: sales@aquaticwarehouse.com
  • Working Days/Hours: Mon - Fri / 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
    Saturday / 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
    Sunday / 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM


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