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Saltwater Tank Maintenance Tips in San Diego, CA

How to Take Care of the Coral in Your Saltwater Tank

Coral is a beautiful way to add color and interest to your saltwater tank, but it does require proper care to remain vibrant and attractive. Coral is an animal, and as such, you need to understand what type of light is needed, how to feed it, and the right water conditions needed for it to thrive. Once you understand how to care for your coral, you and your fish will be able to enjoy it for many years to come. Know the Correct Saltwater Tank Water Parameters Coral requires certain parameters to grow properly: Gravity 1.023–1.025  • Alkalinity 2.1–2.5 mEq/L  • Temperature 76–81°F  • Magnesium 1200–1280 ppm  • Calcium 400–430 …

5 Suggestions for New Saltwater Aquarium Owners in San Diego, CA

5 Tips for People Who Are New to Saltwater Aquariums

There’s nothing more beautiful than a saltwater aquarium filled with colorful exotic fish. However, you have some important decisions to make when adding a saltwater aquarium to your home. Here are six tips every beginner to the world of saltwater aquariums should know. 1. Place the Aquarium in the Ideal Location The proper location of a saltwater aquarium can reduce the maintenance time. Your tank needs to be away from direct sunlight because it encourages algae growth, which means it will need to be cleaned more often. An algae-ridden tank can affect the health of your fish and obscure your view. Choose an area of the home that is well …

Foods for Saltwater Fish in San Diego, CA

What Should You Feed Saltwater Fish?

Food is definitely one of the most important saltwater aquarium supplies. There are many different forms of fish food on the market, and some are specifically formulated for saltwater fish. When deciding which type of food to choose for your saltwater fish, it’s of utmost importance to consider the species of fish being kept. By first considering which foods are best for the specific types of fish in your saltwater tank, providing your aquarium inhabitants with a proper diet will come easily. Having a variety of food types on-hand will be most effective, especially if you have a variety of saltwater species in one aquarium. Here are some of the top …

4 Benefits of Having an Aquarium in Your Office in San Diego, CA

4 Advantages of Having a Fish Aquarium at Your Place of Business

Many places of business look like drab, uninspired, utilitarian offices or buildings with little in the way or personality or cheeriness. If you’re worried your place of business is cold or uninviting, consider what a fish aquarium would do for your work environment. Here are four benefits saltwater or freshwater planted aquariums might bring to your place of business. 1. Aquariums Relax and Entertain Customers You should make customers feel relaxed, at home, and content while they’re in your office or place of business. A fish aquarium is a great low-key way to bring some pleasing color and motion to the business environment, and it gives your customers a nice …

Key Supplies for Saltwater Aquariums in San Diego, CA

7 Most Important Supplies for a Saltwater Fish Aquarium

Saltwater fish aquariums require a little more of a time commitment than freshwater to replicate and maintain an environment similar to an ocean habitat. These aquariums are well worth the work because they are the most beautiful and rewarding type of fish environment. Selecting the right equipment and other supplies can be a breeze if you do your research. Here is a checklist of the supplies required for you to get started, all provided by Aquatic Warehouse. 1. The Tank A larger tank, as in 50 gallons or larger, is best to give your beautiful tank mates enough room to grow and move. A tank smaller than this really limits the …

Reasons Why Saltwater Sumps Are Not Overrated in San Diego, CA

Why Saltwater Sumps Aren’t Overrated

When you have a saltwater fish tank, you need to make sure you have the right saltwater aquarium supplies. First let’s discuss why there is a need for a sump in a saltwater aquarium. To make a protein skimmer work correctly, you must feed the “fractionator” (the correct terminology for protein skimmer). The oily surface protein/peptide–rich top layer in any saltwater tank consists of fish and coral waste, foods, and biological byproducts, which turn into nitrates and lower the aquarium’s pH. The protein-rich layer is pulled into the “overflow box,” which is a misunderstood term because the water doesn’t overflow the tank. It flows “over” the teeth or dam “box” …

Welcome to Aquatic Warehouse in San Diego, CA

Thank You for Choosing Aquatic Warehouse

Welcome to Aquatic Warehouse, the trusted fish aquarium experts! We specialize in supplying the highest quality freshwater and saltwater aquarium supplies at the lowest prices. We cater to all aspects of the aquarium industry, specializing in advance custom reef and fish systems. We are known for our high-end filtration and fractionation (skimmers) lines and are proud of our planted freshwater standalone tanks. Since 1993, we have continued to grow our brand and learn new ideas and techniques to make all aspects of caring for an aquarium easier, more successful, and most of all fun. Our knowledgeable and enthusiastic staff is dedicated to assisting you with creating your own personal fish aquarium or sprucing up your …

6 Unique Fish to Choose for Your Saltwater Aquarium in San Diego, CA

6 Unique Types of Fish for a Saltwater Tank

No décor grabs the attention of visitors or livens up a space quite like an aquarium. While a freshwater aquarium offers several choices for fish, they are incomparable to the intriguing inhabitants you can fill a saltwater tank with. The saltwater aquarium experts at Aquatic Warehouse suggest 6 types of fish to choose for your saltwater tank. 1. Boxfish  Boxfish tend to be the center of attention in aquariums. The square-shaped species can vary in appearance depending on gender, but they always steal the show with their unique dotted patterns. Growing up to three inches in captivity, the reef-dwelling boxfish aren’t active swimmers and can thrive in small and large tanks. …

Differences Between Freshwater & Saltwater Aquariums in San Diego, CA

How Are Saltwater & Freshwater Aquariums Different?

There are many good reasons to consider getting a saltwater or freshwater aquarium. However, not everyone knows what makes them different aside from the water itself. The truth is that saltwater tanks don’t have a lot in common with freshwater tanks. Here are a few of the main differences between the two. Size Even though there are nano tanks available, most experts still recommend nothing less than a 50-gallon tank for saltwater fish. The increased water volume makes it far easier to maintain a larger tank. In contrast, there’s no change in maintenance difficulty regarding freshwater tanks of any size, and you can start with a simple 10-gallon tank.  Costs of …

How to Choose the Right Fish for Your Aquarium in San Diego, CA

Choosing the Best Fish for an Aquarium

Keeping an aquarium can be a fun and rewarding hobby, but you need to fill it with the right fish, which can be a daunting prospect since there are so many options. To make sure you select the right combination of fish for your saltwater or freshwater aquarium, consider the following tips.  Do Plenty of Research  Before you decide what kind of fish you want in your aquarium, take some time to research your options. You need to make sure the fish you choose will be the right size for your aquarium and that they will coexist peacefully with the other fish you buy. Look up some of the species …

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  • Address: 5466 Complex Street Suite 204
    San Diego, CA 92123
  • Phone: (858) 467-9297
  • Email: sales@aquaticwarehouse.com
  • Working Days/Hours: Mon - Fri / 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
    Saturday / 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
    Sunday / 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM


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