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Is It Difficult to Maintain a Fish Aquarium? Um, No!

Tips for Aquarium Maintenance in San Diego, CA

Fish need to be cared for properly, and the aquariums themselves need to be maintained as well. Maintaining a fish tank can be either simple or not so simple, depending on the circumstances. Usually, the bigger the tank or the more unique the shape is, the more maintenance is needed, but this isn’t always the case. Here are a few things to keep in mind when caring for a fish aquarium.

Changing the Water

Regardless of the size of the aquarium and the number of fish, a small water change (10-20 percent depending on the animal load) should be performed approximately every two weeks (weekly for planted or reef aquariums at about 10 percent)

The replacement water should always be checked before changing the water. Regular tap water should never be used without adding Prime or another de-chloramine additive. To be able to use tap water, it must be treated with a water conditioner that neutralizes the chemicals in the water. Well water should also be carefully examined because it’s usually harder than tap water. For those who have reef or freshwater planted aquariums, RO or DI is a much better option. We at Aquatic Warehouse preach that this is the only option for a healthy tank.

Testing the Water in the Tank

To make sure the water’s pH levels, nitrates, nitrites, and carbonate hardness are within the safe parameters for the fish to stay healthy, the water should be properly tested on a regular basis. The levels may vary depending on the types of fish in the aquarium, but they should always be within the range of what each species can handle. Learning how to test the water correctly is fairly simple.

Another thing you need to test is the water’s temperature since it’s the most common factor that can lead to fish becoming sick or even dying. Testing the temperature is easy since there are many aquarium thermometers that stay in the water and can be checked within seconds.

Choosing a Filter

An aquarium filter is one of the most crucial fish tank supplies because it can keep the aquarium clean and help the fish remain healthy. However, there are several different types of aquarium filters that operate in different ways and have different effects on the tank.

Biological filters convert fish waste, which contains ammonia, into nitrite so it has less toxicity on the tank and the fish. Mechanical filters suck in water and push it through a strainer-type filter media that prevents free-floating particles from online pharmacy remaining in the aquarium. The qualities of these filters can vary widely. Chemical filters extract toxins from the water through a carbon or chemical resin.

It’s always best to utilize all three of these forms of filtration for a healthy aquarium. Don’t forget to make sure your filter adds the necessary air to the aquarium. Some filters do, and others don’t. Ask the experts at Aquatic Warehouse to find out the correct filtration for your tank.

If you have additional questions about caring for an aquarium, reach out to Aquatic Warehouse. Whether you need a dosing pump or LED lighting, we have everything you need to enjoy your hobby and maintain your fish tank. Call one of our knowledgeable representatives today at 858-467-9297.

Contact Information

  • Address: 5466 Complex Street Suite 204
    San Diego, CA 92123
  • Phone: (858) 467-9297
  • Email: sales@aquaticwarehouse.com
  • Working Days/Hours: Mon - Fri / 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
    Saturday / 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
    Sunday / 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM


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