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5 Reasons to Add Plants to a Koi Pond

Adding Plants to Koi Ponds San Diego, CA

Most koi ponds have a certain level of aquascaping for ornamental reasons. If you plan on keeping a garden pond, it makes perfect sense to start it off with plants before stocking it with fish. You want the plants to take hold and establish an ecosystem that’s naturally balanced in terms of pH, nitrogen, and low ammonia levels. You also want the plants to bloom, grow, and reproduce so they provide a nice and harmonious look along with the koi. Resilient aquatic species can thrive without plants. For example, edible tilapia can be raised in very large tanks devoid of plants, and this type of farming could apply to koi, but this wouldn’t be conducive to the hobby of keeping healthy ornamental fish. With this in mind, here are five benefits of adding plants to your koi pond.

1. Plants Keep the Water Cool

Although koi are reasonably happy in tropical climates, they’re more comfortable in ponds where the water temperature is closer to 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Smaller ponds that only hold about a thousand gallons of water will need floating and emergent plants covering more than 50 percent of the surface to provide shade and keep water temperatures from climbing too much.

2. Plants Oxygenate the Water

This is the most important benefit of adding plants to koi ponds. The water pump and circulation system are essential koi pond supplies that provide a mechanical means of aeration, which in turn promotes oxygenation. Plants provide a natural biochemical means of oxygenation, which is healthier for all species.

3. Plants Keep Algae to a Minimum

All koi pond keepers will have to deal with algae bloom. When this situation grows out of control, it can turn pond water the color of pea soup and also cause fungal infections. Aquatic plants feed on the nutrients algae crave, and since plants are higher on the pond food chain, they do an excellent job of keeping algae under control.

4. Plants Are Meaningful for Pond Species

Seasoned aquarists will tell you that plants should be kept even in the smallest desktop aquarium holding a single goldfish, and this is related to the stress fish can experience outside of their natural habitats. Koi will appreciate swimming around plants and hiding among them, particularly when mating and breeding. Plants are also key when making a pond more diverse. For example, if you want to add crayfish and sturgeon, they’ll adjust better if they have submerged and emergent plants to enjoy.

5. Plants Are Part of Koi Nutrition

Koi are omnivorous fish similar to wild carp, which means they’ll eat anything. Should your pond be unattended when you’re away from home for a few days, the koi won’t starve because they’ll start eating plants. Some koi like to nibble on plants in addition to their regular feeding.

Plants can beautify a pond in several ways, but you’ll need several supplies on hand to keep the fish healthy and happy and the environment looking amazing. Whether you need submersible pond pumps, filtration, beneficial bacteria, or nutritious koi food, Aquatic Warehouse has it all. Call us today at 858-467-9297, check out the many products available on our website, or stop by our store in Kearny Mesa to get what you need.

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  • Address: 5466 Complex Street Suite 204
    San Diego, CA 92123
  • Phone: (858) 467-9297
  • Email: sales@aquaticwarehouse.com
  • Working Days/Hours: Mon - Fri / 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
    Saturday / 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
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