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The Mystery Behind Planted Aquarium Fertilization Has Been Solved

Planted Aquariums in San Diego, CA

It’s no secret that meeting and maintaining the requirements of a fish tank is crucial to the long-term health of its inhabitants. Freshwater planted aquariums are no different. What compatibility and temperature are to a fish tank, lighting and nutrients levels are to a planted aquarium. The requirements of different plant species must be taken into account if they are to be kept under the same conditions. Fortunately, many plant species are quite forgiving when not all of their requirements are met. For example, many low-light plants will do just as well, if not better, under intense lighting. They often look lusher due to their increased growth rate. However, the same does not apply to high-light plants. If the plants are placed under lower light, many will lose some of their color and show signs of stunted growth. Many hobbyists wonder why their plants don’t seem to grow. Insufficient lighting is often to blame. The same is true if the right balance of nutrients is absent from the environment.

Plants derive their nutrition from either the water column or the substrate, depending on their growing habits. Typically, plants that grow from a crown and spread by “runners” absorb nutrients from the substrate. Providing a substrate rich in nutrients ensures these plants will continue to grow without issue. Meanwhile, stem plants mostly derive their nutrients from the water column, which becomes available through regular dosing of liquid fertilizers. Fish waste also serves as a natural fertilizer for most plants but is often not enough to meet the nutritional demands of plants under intense lighting and with supplemented CO2-rich environments, thus the need to supplement on a regular basis. Frequency and proper amount of dosing is dependent on the system. It will take a bit of experimentation on your part to determine this. Below is a short guide that will hopefully serve as a tool in maintaining a healthy planted aquarium.

A Quick General Plant Guide

Low-Light Plants (Can grow under low-intensity lighting, or even ambient light. Ex: Betta bowls, incandescent light, T12-T8 bulbs, low-intensity LEDs, etc.):

-Cryptocorynes (Parva might require a little more light)


-Java Fern

-Bolbitis Fern

-Mosses (Java, Christmas, Willow, etc.)

-Liverworts (Pellia)

Stem Plants that can be grown in low to medium light conditions:


-Anacharis a.k.a. Elodea

-Water sprite


-Cardinal plant (Lobelia cardinalis)

-Ludwigia repens

-Rotala indica

-Hygrophilas (Water wisteria, salcifolia, giant hygrophila “siamensis”)

Plants that can be grown on rock or wood (attached with plant glue, cotton sewing thread, or fishing line):


-Java Fern

-Bolbitis Fern

-Mosses (Java, Christmas, Willow, etc.)

-Liverworts (Pellia)

Non CO2 Injected Tanks:

-Carbon Source: Seachem ExcelBrightwell Florin Axis

-NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium): Seachem Flourish

Fertilization for plants that grow from a crown or derive nutrition from substrate/extensive root systems (swordplants, cryptocorynes, hairgrass, pygmy chain swords, microswords, etc.)

-Root tabs: Placed 4-6 inches apart, replenished every 3-6 months

-Seachem’s Flourish Tabs

CO2 Injected Tanks:

-Carbon Source: Gaseous CO2 Injection

-NPK: (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium)

-Seachem’s Flourish line: Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium

-Brightwell’s Florin line: Florin-Gro, Florin-P, Florin-K

-Seachem’s Flourish Tabs

Algae and the animals that eat it:

-Green hair algae: Siamese algae eaters, Amano shrimp, American flag killifish, Mollies

-Brown diatom algae: Otocinclus, Nerite snails, Mystery snails

-Black beard algae: Siamese algae eaters, Ghost shrimp

-Green spot algae: Plecostomus, Mystery snails, Nerite snails

-Cyanobacteria: Nothing eats it, but can be treated with Ultralife’s Blue Green Slime Stain Remover. It can also be removed manually by siphoning the affected areas and making more frequent water changes with RO or DI water. Don’t forget to put electrolyte salts back in the water, like Replenish from Seachem.

These “must have” plants and products can be found at our physical store location. Feel free to contact Aquatic Warehouse regarding the availability of any plants or products listed on this guide. From aquarium controllers to outdoor pond products, you can count on Aquatic Warehouse to provide the aquarium and pond supplies you need. Stop by our store in Kearny Mesa, shop on our website, or give us a call at 858-467-9297.

Contact Information

  • Address: 5466 Complex Street Suite 204
    San Diego, CA 92123
  • Phone: (858) 467-9297
  • Email: sales@aquaticwarehouse.com
  • Working Days/Hours: Mon - Fri / 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
    Saturday / 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
    Sunday / 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM


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