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How to Treat Fin Rot

Treat Fin Rot in Aquarium Fish San Diego, CA

Fin rot is a preventable disease that’s common in aquarium fish. The disease can be caused by several different strains of bacteria, but the cause is typically environmental in nature. Fish who are stressed by an overcrowded tank, being moved, or being in an environment with aggressive fish are the most susceptible to the disease. Follow these tips for treating fin rot in aquarium fish, brought to you by the staff at Aquatic Warehouse, a leading provider of fish tank supplies.

Recognize the Symptoms

The earlier the disease is recognized, the more likely it is that treatment will be successful. If symptoms are left unchecked, the disease can progress and eventually kill the fish. The first symptoms of fin rot are often overlooked. Typically, the edges of the fins begin to discolor. The fins could look white, red, or black on the edges depending on the color of the fish. As the rot spreads, the fins look frayed because pieces of flesh begin to fall off. Another sign of infection is a fish that looks listless or stops eating. As the fish fights the infection, its energy is expended and its behavior begins to change.

Check the Environment

As soon as you recognize the signs of fin rot, look for possible stressors in the environment. Use a water test kit to check the quality of the water. If chemicals or pH aren’t at the correct levels, fin rot will become a recurring issue. Make sure the water is the correct temperature. Fish get sick when their water is too hot or too cold. Get an aquarium temperature controller to help you regulate the temperature in the tank. Additionally, a filter that’s too strong or sharp décor can cause the stress that leads to fin rot, as can other fish that are overly aggressive. Correct any issues you might find, and clean the tank.

Administer Medication

Fin rot is an infection caused by one of several bacteria present when a fish is residing in a stressful environment. Since it’s an infection, the appropriate medication is an antibiotic such as erythromycin. Sometimes, fish with fin rot can develop a secondary fungal infection that requires treatment as well. If a fungal infection is present, an antifungal medication such as methylene blue is an appropriate treatment. Remember to always remove the carbon filter pad or insert because carbon will remove the medication as soon as you administer it.

Create and Maintain a Comfortable Environment

Keeping the fish’s environment clean and free of stressors facilitates a more successful recovery process. Consider adding an air stone or sponge filter to the aquarium to help it stay well oxygenated and counteract the effect medications have on the fish’s ability to breathe well in the water. There’s no such thing as too much filtration, just too much flow.

Whether you need medication to care for a fish with fin rot or other essential supplies for your aquarium , turn to Aquatic Warehouse. We have everything you need to successfully maintain a home aquarium. Check out what we have to offer on our website, stop by our store in Kearny Mesa, or give us a call at 858-467-9297.


Contact Information

  • Address: 5466 Complex Street Suite 204
    San Diego, CA 92123
  • Phone: (858) 467-9297
  • Email: sales@aquaticwarehouse.com
  • Working Days/Hours: Mon - Fri / 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
    Saturday / 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
    Sunday / 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM


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