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6 Unique Types of Fish for a Saltwater Tank

6 Unique Fish to Choose for Your Saltwater Aquarium in San Diego, CA

No décor grabs the attention of visitors or livens up a space quite like an aquarium. While a freshwater aquarium offers several choices for fish, they are incomparable to the intriguing inhabitants you can fill a saltwater tank with. The saltwater aquarium experts at Aquatic Warehouse suggest 6 types of fish to choose for your saltwater tank.

1. Boxfish 

Boxfish tend to be the center of attention in aquariums. The square-shaped species can vary in appearance depending on gender, but they always steal the show with their unique dotted patterns. Growing up to three inches in captivity, the reef-dwelling boxfish aren’t active swimmers and can thrive in small and large tanks. They are omnivores, which will limit species that can accompany them in your aquarium. 

2. Chromis 

These iridescent fish can survive in smaller tanks and prefer to school with other members of their species. When grouped, the flamboyantly colored chromis can create a spectacular ocular display. Like boxfish, they prefer to inhabit areas rich with coral. They are non-aggressive fish that usually remain under six inches in length. Consequently, they have difficulty defending themselves against larger species. 

3. Lemon Butterflyfish 

A Hawaii native, the lemon butterflyfish is moderately easy to care for, making it great for beginner aquarium owners. Gorgeously yellow with black accents, this tropical species can survive in a reef environment when sustained with care. Because of their carnivorous tendencies, they require a diet of clam and smaller fish. While this butterflyfish only grows to about five inches, it needs at least a 75-gallon tank to swim comfortably. 

4. Longnose Hawkfish 

In the wild, the tropical longnose hawkfish is found around Central America. Featuring red and white stripes and a pointed, beak-like mouth, this species is carnivorous and requires caution when joining it with other fish in an aquarium. It should be paired with larger fish to avoid hostility. This breed of hawkfish is known to be lively and entertaining to observe. 

5. Royal Blue Tang 

Famous for its role in Finding Nemo, this species is a favorite of saltwater tank owners. Its popularity doesn’t make it any less unique. The royal blue tang is labeled as a “palette” fish, used to bring vivid color to a tank. This species is simple to take care of, feeding on algae and krill. This type of diet suggests the need for plenty of rocks in their captive habitat, which should be a 75-gallon tank at minimum. 

6. Electric Blue Damsels 

When it comes to rare complexion and patterns, this species is unparalleled. Boasting a vibrant mix of colors, the electric blue damselfish is great for saltwater tank beginners. It remains small, only growing to a few inches, and it does well with larger tank mates. Though omnivorous, this active species can survive on flake and plant-based foods and is reef-friendly.

If you need high-quality saltwater aquarium supplies, reach out to Aquatic Warehouse. From pumps to fish food, we’re sure to have what you need to maintain a beautiful saltwater tank. Give us a call today at 858-467-9297.

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  • Address: 5466 Complex Street Suite 204
    San Diego, CA 92123
  • Phone: (858) 467-9297
  • Email: sales@aquaticwarehouse.com
  • Working Days/Hours: Mon - Fri / 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
    Saturday / 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
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