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5 Mistakes You Should Avoid with Freshwater Planted Aquariums

Freshwater Planted Aquariums Mistakes You Should Avoid in San Diego, CA

Interest in freshwater planted aquariums and aquascaping has brought the hobby to a new level. Newcomers and experienced aquarists alike are attracted to stunning examples of lushly planted aquariums. At Aquatic Warehouse, we’re excited about this trend too, and to make sure you know how to properly care for a freshwater planted aquarium, we’d like to highlight a few key mistakes to avoid.

1. Buying the Wrong Plants

As with terrestrial plants, different species of aquatic vegetation have widely differing demands. Water pH, hardness, temperature, and light preferences are all factors to consider. Some aquatic plants are tolerant, but it’s better (and cheaper) to do research first. You can’t just take any plant home and expect it to live. Do your own research to make sure the plants you get are likely to thrive. At Aquatic Warehouse, we specialize in aquatic plants and have a beautiful planted aquarium section with a stunning selection.

2. Choosing Unsuitable Lighting

Striking aquascapes often use plants that demand high light, while most big-box stores and online “deals” offer beginning setups with subpar low lighting. You can make this lighting work, but it’s very limiting to the plant species’ growth. Make sure to match your lighting to your chosen plants. Beginners should start with less demanding plants until they have experience. A cheap timer for lights is needed, and the new LEDs we have at Aquatic Warehouse are very inexpensive and will be the best money you’ll invest in your plants’ health and your own peace of mind.

3. Overfeeding

Overfeeding aquarium plants can wreak havoc in a tank. You want the best for your aquascape, but in this matter, more can be much less. It’s very important to use the correct supplements in the form of a CO2 system or Excel (or other fertilizers):


However, excess nutrients can cause everything from water issues to an algae explosion, so exercise caution in the beginning and go light. Also, don’t go too crazy with the amount of fish for a planted aquarium. Keep the number somewhat low. To feed the roots of your plants, use “planted aquarium gravel/soils.” Your success rate goes up exponentially with plant substrate. Stay away from garden soil, as it will make a mess in your aquarium and cause more problems than it’s worth just to save a couple of dollars.

4. Not Planting Enough Plants

The biggest mistake an aquarist can make is under-planting a planted tank! Plants are a “macroalgae.” The nuisance algae type is a “microalgae.” A large amount of macroalgae will always dominate the less complex microalgae, so you’ll have a cleaner, easier to maintain aquarium if you have more plants. Mosses grow quickly even in lower light tanks, so attach moss to wood for an interesting and beautiful fast-growing approach. Put your “artistic hat” on. Aquascaping is an amazing reflection of the inner artist in all of us!

5. Delaying Tank Maintenance

Plants need a little regular attention. They float, die off, and grow out of place. It’s very easy to slack on maintenance and not notice changes happening in your tank. Maintenance isn’t a daily chore, but occasionally you should thin, divide, replant, or remove whatever you need to. Your planted aquarium will return the love over time.

If you’re thinking about getting a freshwater planted aquarium, make sure you get your plants and aquarium from a trusted aquarium supplier. At Aquatic Warehouse, we carry the highest quality aquariums as well as everything you need to maintain them. And we’re very proud of our planted and ADA section of our large warehouse store. If you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call at 858-467-9297.

Contact Information

  • Address: 5466 Complex Street Suite 204
    San Diego, CA 92123
  • Phone: (858) 467-9297
  • Email: sales@aquaticwarehouse.com
  • Working Days/Hours: Mon - Fri / 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
    Saturday / 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
    Sunday / 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM


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