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How Can You Clean a Koi Pond without Draining the Water?

Cleaning without Draining Koi Pond San Diego, CA

There’s no need to drain a koi pond and remove all species to thoroughly clean it. Some people do this once or twice a year for the purpose of ending up with crystal-clear water, but seasoned pond owners will tell you this method is not only unnecessary but also counterproductive. In the regal koi ponds in Japan, fish keepers rarely (if ever) drain their ponds unless they intend to relocate them. Old water isn’t necessarily bad water. It should be noted that draining a pond will deprive the ecosystem of plankton and beneficial bacteria that make healthy habitats, thus actually shocking the biological system enough to harm the koi, which is why it’s better to apply more sustainable cleaning methods.

Perform Frequent Cleaning and Deep Cleaning

Depending on the pond ecosystem and how often you perform routine cleaning, you may not even need deep cleaning sessions at all. At Zen Buddhist monasteries in Japan, daily koi pond cleaning and maintenance is ritualistic, and it eliminates murky water as well as the need for deep cleaning. Generally, you should deep clean twice a year: once in early spring and once again at the end of the rainy season. These seasonal cleaning sessions correspond to periods in which koi are more active. Another way of doing this deep cleaning without the negatives of the work involved is to add Microbe-Lift PL twice, two weeks apart. This very powerful bacterial blend eats up waste, thus precipitously dropping the buildup of nitrates.

Skim the Surface

Not all floating debris will be harmful to koi ponds. In some cases, dead leaves and insects contribute to a more lively ecosystem, but the problem with excessive debris is that it partially decomposes instead of dissolving, thus accumulating on the bottom in the form of mucky substance. A pond skimmer is a valuable investment and one of the many important koi pond supplies you need.

Vacuum the Bottom

The more you skim, the less you’ll have to worry about sludge forming at the bottom, but it makes sense to invest in a good vacuum. You should vacuum before temperatures drop so the koi will have a nice spot where they can enter a period of semi-hibernation. Rooted aquatic plants, sturgeon, and crayfish can also help you keep the bottom clean.

Keep Algae Bloom in Check

When pond water starts turning the color of pea soup, you’ll know that algae wants to take over the habitat, and this is when partial water changes of no more than 15 percent of the total volume are required. Even when brown algae is starting to cling to rocks, you can still deep clean without a full drain or koi removal. Pond additives are a good solution, particularly those that are organic and contain bacteria that will improve the overall health of the ecosystem, like ClarityMax:


If you choose these additives, make sure to read the directions so as not to underdose or overdose.

To properly maintain your koi pond, you’ll need to have several supplies on-hand. Whether you’re looking for pond filters and skimmers or beneficial bacteria and nutritious koi food, you can find what you’re looking for at Aquatic Warehouse. Stop by our store in Kearny Mesa, take a look at the products offered on our website, or give us a call at 858-467-9297 with any questions you might have.


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  • Address: 5466 Complex Street Suite 204
    San Diego, CA 92123
  • Phone: (858) 467-9297
  • Email: sales@aquaticwarehouse.com
  • Working Days/Hours: Mon - Fri / 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
    Saturday / 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
    Sunday / 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM


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