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5 Foods You Shouldn’t Give to Your Fish

Food to Never Feed Fish San Diego, CA

The food you get from your aquarium supplier is enough to keep your fish happy and healthy. But sometimes you might find yourself out of fish food, or maybe you just want to feed your underwater friends a fun treat. What foods are safe and unsafe for fish? Here are some foods your fish should never eat.

1. Fatty Meat

Many fish are carnivores or omnivores and will eat insects in their natural environment. Carnivores and omnivores need protein from other animals. Overall, serving up meat from your own refrigerator isn’t a very good source. Certain fish can tolerate terrestrial meats, but make sure the meat is very low in fat. Excessive fat can damage a fish’s liver and even lead to death.

2. Crunchy Greens

If fish don’t thrive off protein, they thrive off plants. Leafy veggies such as lettuce or kale can be delicious treats for herbivore fish, but the crunchiness of them can be difficult for a tiny fish to consume. Steam or blanch greens before serving. You’ll want to avoid feeding your fish raw lettuce, cabbage, spinach, zucchini, squash, cucumber, lima beans, cooked or buttered processed peas (natural flash-boiled peas are good), and broccoli. On the other hand, some vegetables are okay raw. Potatoes, cucumbers, and carrots can be cut into small pieces and served as is. Just remember to wash all produce first.

3. Bread

People like to throw bread crumbs into ponds. After all, the ducks, turtles, and fish go crazy for bread. But it really isn’t safe for the fish to eat. The same goes for your aquarium fish at home. Bread contains yeast, and yeast expands. The bread will expand inside a fish’s stomach and cause constipation. Not only is the bloating uncomfortable, but it can also slow fish down and make them more vulnerable to be captured by predators. In fact, the UK has banned feeding white bread to fish.

4. Crackers

An alternative to bread, many pet owners think they can feed crumbled up crackers to their fish. While crackers may be a fun treat every once in a while, having crackers all the time isn’t good for fish. Crackers don’t have much nutritional value. Think of a human only eating crackers every day. Just like you need veggies and protein, so do your underwater friends.

5. Dog Food

If you love animals, chances are you have more than one type of pet. You might think it’s easier to feed them all the same food, but it’s not beneficial. Dog food is made specifically for dogs, so it lacks the nutrients and vitamins fish require. Some pet owners notice their fish growing in size after consuming dog food. The fish might look big and strong from the outside, but inside they might be suffering some health complications. Fat can build up in between organs and push on them, resulting in the organs not working properly.

Certain foods may be good for one type of fish but not for another. As stated above, some fish are herbivores, some are carnivores, and some are omnivores. Research your type of fish thoroughly before committing to it so you know how to take care of it properly. Try a really excellent, balanced, top-quality food like TDO:


It has everything your aquatic pets require, whether they’re freshwater or saltwater fish!

If you have any questions about what to avoid feeding your specific type of fish, call the aquarium experts at Aquatic Warehouse at 858-467-9297. We are a trusted provider of aquarium and pond equipment and can help you find the most nutritious food for your aquatic pets. Reach out to us today.


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  • Address: 5466 Complex Street Suite 204
    San Diego, CA 92123
  • Phone: (858) 467-9297
  • Email: sales@aquaticwarehouse.com
  • Working Days/Hours: Mon - Fri / 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
    Saturday / 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
    Sunday / 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM


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