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Is It Bad for Fish to Have Too Much Aeration?

Too Much Aeration Bad for Fish in Aquarium San Diego, CA

Aeration is one aspect of fish keeping that doesn’t get as much attention as it should. Beginners in the aquarium hobby consider aeration to be mostly a part of the filtration system. This isn’t an incorrect observation, but it ignores the larger contribution of injecting air into the water that tanks or ponds hold. Aquatic species cannot breathe atmospheric air, but they still need oxygen to survive. The estimated amount they require is about 5 percent, which they’re able to get from water through a dissolution process. In freshwater planted aquariums and koi ponds, oxygen dissolution is affected by temperature and pH. In reef tanks, salinity plays along with pH and how warm the water can be kept. In both freshwater and saltwater ecosystems, agitation of the water column makes the oxygen dissolution process more efficient.

Gaseous Exchanges at the Surface

Through their underwater breathing processes, aquatic species consume oxygen and release carbon dioxide molecules that float to the surface and are exchanged by fresh oxygen. CO2 saturation can be deadly for any species, and this is why adequate exchange of gases needs to happen in aquariums. Aeration systems provide the agitation required to diffuse surface gasses and continue to inject O2 molecules.

Common Aeration Systems

All aquarium ecosystems should be aerated. The devices used to create bubbles, which provide both air and surface agitation, are crucial to the health of all aquatic species. Air stones are fine. However, the best kind are those that create a line or wall of bubbles. Decorative aerators such as shipwrecks, old-fashioned divers, and clams are only as efficient as the amount of bubbling and aeration they can produce. Powerheads are even better aeration devices because even the smaller versions can move about 10 gallons of water per hour, and they’re highly recommended for reef tanks as long as there’s a breaking of the surface area on the tank. This will allow air to enter through the water column.

Excessive Aeration

Some aquarium shops and aquaculture operations such as tilapia farms create hyper-oxygenated ecosystems because they overstock their tanks and ponds. Seasoned fish keepers know overstocking is a cardinal sin of the aquarium hobby, which is why they’ll never have a need to exceed aeration levels. The problem with too much air being injected in a self-enclosed aquatic habitat with currents is that it may throw off the gaseous exchange balance, thus resulting in gas bubble disease and gill lesions.

Inadequate Aeration

Gas bubble disease can also be caused by high nitrogen levels in the water, which often result from poor aeration. If you use air stones as aeration devices, you should replace them when they wear out or become clogged. Additionally, you can also promote biochemical oxygenation by means of aquatic plants that are also beneficial because they consume nitrogen molecules that would otherwise promote algae bloom and raise ammonia levels.

To acquire all of the aeration products you need, reach out to Aquatic Warehouse, a leading provider of aquarium and koi pond supplies. We’re located in Kearny Mesa, and you can also order whatever supplies you need from our website. To speak with one of our friendly and knowledgeable representatives, call 858-467-9297 today.


Contact Information

  • Address: 5466 Complex Street Suite 204
    San Diego, CA 92123
  • Phone: (858) 467-9297
  • Email: sales@aquaticwarehouse.com
  • Working Days/Hours: Mon - Fri / 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
    Saturday / 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
    Sunday / 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM


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