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4 Things You Need to Do When Setting Up an Aquarium for a Betta

Setting Up Aquarium for Betta Fish San Diego, CA

The Siamese fighting fish, also known as a betta fish, is a beautiful member of the gourami family of fish. Bettas are known to be territorial fish with the males of the species being known to aggressively protect their environment. Typically, it’s recommended for bettas to be alone in their tanks. Here are four tips for setting up the perfect environment for your betta fish.

1.  Choose the Appropriate Size and Style Tank

Although bettas live alone, they need a space large enough for them to move freely. Many times people place their betta in a small bowl, but for proper growth, a betta needs more room than that. A 2-gallon tank is the minimum size recommended for a thriving betta environment, with most experts recommending a minimum of 4 gallons. Since bettas are naturally found in shallow streams, it’s a good idea to choose a freshwater aquarium that’s longer than it is tall. Make sure you choose an aquarium with a lid so dust and other contaminants are kept out of the water.

2. Choose Your Heater and Filter

Bettas are tropical fish, and as such they need a consistent 76-80 degrees Fahrenheit in their tank. You should choose a heater with a thermostat so you can maintain a constant temperature inside the tank regardless of the temperature in your home. In addition to an aquarium heater, your tank needs a filter. The purpose of a filter is to keep the tank clean and the water moving. Your betta will prefer a gentle current, so choose a filter that’s either designed for gentle currents or has an adjustable flow. Although bettas have both lungs and gills, they definitely do better when air is present in an aquarium with a filter over a stagnant bowl where they would be forced to use their backup primitive lungs to go to the surface to breathe. A bowl or vase is the wrong long-term environment for a betta.

3. Choose Your Substrate and Décor

Bettas like to have places to hide in their habitat. You can give your betta the ability to hide by adding plants or other decorative items to your aquarium. Be careful not to overload the space with décor. When choosing decorative items, choose items with rounded edges or items that are soft. The fins of your betta fish are thin, and it can be easily injured by brushing against the items you’ve used to make your tank beautiful. The kinds of plants you choose for your tank will affect the kind of substrate you can use. Live plants require soil or sand substrate, while artificial plants can be used with gravel. If you choose artificial plants, silk is a better choice than plastic since they’re softer. The substrate itself adds a decorative touch to a tank. Gravel and sand come in many colors.

4. Add Water

The water is obviously an important element in any aquarium. There’s more to having water in your tank than simply getting it from the tap and pouring it into the aquarium. You need to add a dechlorinator to remove chlorine and other chemicals. Before adding fish, it’s a good idea to let the water cycle through your filter and check the pH levels of the water, and of course add beneficial bacteria as well. Having appropriate pH and chemical levels will help your aquarium remain healthy.

To learn more about caring for betta fish and to determine all of the essential freshwater aquarium supplies you need, reach out to the aquarium experts at Aquatic Warehouse. Stop by our store in Kearny Mesa, check out what we have to offer on our website, or give us a call at 858-467-9297.


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    San Diego, CA 92123
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